Revolutionizing Lead Capture with Mobile CRM Apps

Revolutionizing Lead Capture with Mobile CRM Apps

Trade shows and events often present a golden opportunity to generate business leads, yet traditional methods for collecting attendee information—like badge scanners—can create inconvenience and delays that may lead to missed opportunities. Fortunately, embracing technology can revolutionize how you gather and manage your contacts.

Imagine no longer needing to use the common badge scanner at your booth, which can often lead to long lines and impromptu note-taking on business cards. Our innovative solution streamlines the entire process, connecting directly to your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system and leveraging mobile technology to ensure you're engaging with potential leads effectively and efficiently.

Introducing Leads, the cutting-edge mobile application designed to replace bulky badge scanners with the simplicity and power of your smartphone. Each member of your team can utilize this app, enabling you to scan attendee badges from anywhere at the event. The moment you scan a badge, the app accurately captures the attendee's information, instantly presenting it on your mobile device. This feature allows you to promptly add notes, assign tasks, or even designate a lead owner then and there—while you’re still interacting with the potential customer.

In addition, our app can seamlessly integrate with backend workflow systems in your CRM, like the popular Zoho CRM. Scanning an attendee’s badge can trigger an immediate addition of their details as a new lead in your CRM and simultaneously dispatch a personalized "thank you" email, creating a memorable impression almost instantaneously.

The Leads app supports QR code scanning and smartly switches to Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to capture readable information when QR scanning isn't possible. It goes a step further with its built-in card scanner, allowing you to snap a picture of a business card and have the relevant details uploaded to your Zoho CRM automatically—including saving an image of the card itself.

We understand the significance of a strong digital presence, especially on social media platforms. Hence, if the business card includes a Twitter handle, the Leads app dutifully associates the Twitter profile picture with the lead record in Zoho CRM, further enriching your data.

The app launched during our Zoholics event and became an instant hit with exhibitors, who used it extensively to engage with attendees. Although Leads initially debuted on iPhone, we are always working on expanding its accessibility to other platforms.

Please note that the Leads app has evolved. Its best features now reside in our card scanner app. For assistance or to enjoy the benefits of smart lead management at your next event, reach out to us at

Are you ready to say goodbye to traditional badge scanning and hello to enhanced lead management? Contact Consultants In-A-Box today for implementation and training on this breakthrough technology. Let us help you harness the power of Leads and transform your trade show experiences into successful opportunities for business growth.

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  • Jordan Van Maanen
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