"The Surprising Truth About Finding the Perfect Product to Sell"


Why Following Your Passion Isn't Always the Best Approach to Finding a Product to Sell

When it comes to starting an ecommerce business, many aspiring entrepreneurs are advised to follow their passion. The idea is that if you sell products that you love and are knowledgeable about, success will naturally follow. However, this advice may not always lead to the best results.

Understanding the Problem

While passion is indeed an important aspect of running a successful business, it should not be the sole determining factor in choosing a product to sell. Simply being passionate about a particular product does not guarantee that there is a market demand for it. You may have the most amazing product, but if there is no demand for it, your business will struggle to succeed.

Moreover, your passion for a certain product may blind you to its potential shortcomings. Your personal bias may prevent you from seeing the flaws or limitations of your product, which can ultimately hinder your ability to make necessary improvements and adjustments.

A Smarter Approach

Instead of solely relying on your passion, it is crucial to take a more strategic and data-driven approach when selecting a product to sell. Here are some tips to help you find a profitable product:

1. Identify a Market Need

Start by identifying a gap in the market and finding a product that meets that need. Conduct thorough market research and analyze trends and consumer behavior to understand the demand and potential profitability of a product.

2. Evaluate Competition

Assess the level of competition in the market for your selected product. While some competition is healthy, too much may make it difficult for your business to thrive. Look for ways to differentiate your product or offer a unique selling proposition to stand out from the crowd.

3. Consider Profit Margins

Calculate the potential profit margins for your product. It is crucial to ensure that there is enough room for profit after factoring in production costs, marketing expenses, and other associated costs. A product with low profit margins may not be sustainable in the long run.

4. Test and Validate

Before fully committing to a product, it is advisable to run small-scale tests to validate its demand and profitability. This can involve conducting surveys, creating prototypes, or even setting up a small online store to gauge interest and gather feedback from potential customers.

5. Stay Open and Adapt

It is important to remain open-minded and adaptable throughout the process. Be prepared to pivot your business strategy if necessary and make changes based on customer feedback and market dynamics. Being flexible and willing to adapt is key to long-term success.


While passion is undeniably important, it is not the sole determining factor in finding a product to sell. By taking a more strategic and data-driven approach, you can increase your chances of finding a profitable product that meets market demand. Remember to consider market needs, evaluate competition, assess profit margins, test and validate, and stay open to adaptation. By doing so, you'll be on the path to ecommerce success.

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  • Jordan Van Maanen